301, Raghav Ratna Towers,Hyderabad telanganaagarwalsamaj@gmail.com

Covid Vaccination


As per reports from the World Health Organization COVID-19 claimed 4.7 million Indian lives in 2020 and 2021. 

This is a huge number and therefore during those difficult times, we tried our level best to help everyone as much as possible.

We distributed many relevant medicines to the needy. We even arranged doctors and hospital beds for needy patients.

Apart from these, we have managed to arrange oxygen concentration machines for many needy people. We have more than 300+ such machines, which we circulated during hard times of covid.

Without any doubt that was a very difficult time as no one is allowed to go out from home.

But, we want to thank our well-wishers and circle for helping us even in those difficult times.

And we want to thank the almighty for giving us strength and power so we could come back more strongly in life.

So, let’s take a pledge that will work together and work harder and will defeat Covid even in the future.

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